Sunday, October 16, 2011

Back to center.....

When life seems tough I seem to lean towards finding music that takes me back to center. These are a few selections...
super chick I know, but I am a chick. 
Listening to them while walking or running can
totally help.....they did for me today. 

This can feel fantastic as well....maybe wearing this while listening to the tunes? Sounds like a good plan.

Along with these lovely Seven's that my boss gave me for walking in the big fashion show.

The show went well...check it.
(When you click to this flicker site, I am in the first photo that pops up...I am super smiley and impressed with Jan...
the totally cool
 and outgoing one blowing kisses!)

It was a fun day. Hair and makeup at 8:45 am, followed by eggs and toast at the local Perkins...
(Danni and I realized we both had never been to a Perkins in our entire lives...weird? Sort of.)

Here are some fun photos from the day.

Lovely ladies!


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