Wednesday, March 7, 2012

She Runs.....

I had a great day with this group of woman way back during the Fall.  My long time friend Kelly (in the white T, to my right in this photo) works for a super creative ad agency here in Milwaukee. Jen in the pink tank in the middle was the principal lead for the commercial, the rest of us followed along.  Jen did the greatest job and exudes what a true runner is. The commercial was filmed on numerous days and through three seasons. I absolutely love the way the commercial turned out. NonBox is the ad agency...a seriously genius group of people. Makes me wish I would have headed in that career direction.  The film and lighting crew is none other than The Electric Sun Corporation.  Rob and MP make working on their set feel like zero work at all. I have done a few things in the past with them, but this running ad was lots of fun.....might have helped that the part I was in was filmed in my hometown of Greendale, WI.  Susie, far right in the pic also went to school with Kelly and I. Almost all the women above still live in Greendale...It's a great village to grow up in!

Here is the final commercial. Blink and you'll miss me and my cronies running in the background...but Jen is really cool to watch. It truly makes me want to put my running shoes on...Scheels is not here in Wisconsin, but it still motivates you wherever you are!

One more thing...the entire commercial was filmed in Milwaukee and it's suburbs. Despite the sub par weather...I love this city!



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