Today my big sister Holly officially turned 40...
Just realized, Holly has the bowl in the photo above in her kitchen now!
Fun to see the writing in this Mom wrote it.
Today is hard for Holly, its her first birthday without our Mom.
We have always been together.
We had a great time at the lake last week with all her friends. (we share lots of the same friends, so it was way easy!)
We have always looked a lot alike,
even more as the years go by.
This was one of our Mom's favorite photos.
Didn't realize we have not changed much. :)
H on the Left, Me on the right
Me on the left, H on the right
I set her up with her fantastic husband, Chris about 16 years ago. They have 5 boys. (If you have been reading my blog for awhile you would already know this, sorry for the repeat.)
If you want to read it again click *here*
Holly has a great group of friends that love to
be there for her.
She is going to be super annoyed with me for writing about her, but I'm doing it's her birthday!!
Happy Birthday sister. Life would
not be the same without you in it.
Love you!