We left our house at 5 am and pulled back
in 9 days later at 3 am.
Next year I will sell my plasma, do a market research study for cash, babysit your crying baby, or have a lemonade stand.....whatever it takes, we are flying in an airplane to the sunny state of Florida. That's the only whining I will do about the trip. Since a huge part of our friends did the same drive, who am I to complain. Wait, I'll tell you who I am. Someone that can't believe the crap this car ride made me eat. I ate pringles, powdered donuts, a Milky Way bar, Wendy's new Sea Salt fries, and a Red Bull. Don't judge, you sit in a car for 16 hours, each way and see what enters your grill!
Okay, back to the goodness.
Destin beaches are like no other.
The sand is soft and white and it does not
get hot...great for little (and big) feet.
My 12 year old found out she likes to chill and relax....
like her Mama. :)
Everyone liked my chair.
The girls had fun boogie boarding...the waves were crazy for most of our vacation. With the exception on the last 2 days. The red flag was up a lot, but these girls had a blast.
We stayed at a condo complex that looks like a space ship...but it was perfect for us.
We went with many families from our neighborhood, including my sister and her family. It was great that all the kids had friends from school to play with. It was great that the grown ups had friends to play with too!
The Dads could be found here drinking Yingling all week long. Yingling (aka to my sister as "Tingaling," that's how she ordered it as a restaurant in Seaside...)
Some our friends were really adventurous.....so fun to watch them from my chair, cold drink in hand.
Katie and Amy you chicks are impressive!
Some our friends were really adventurous.....so fun to watch them from my chair, cold drink in hand.
Katie and Amy you chicks are impressive!
Now many of you know me personally know that this darn black cloud likes to follow me lately. And this trip would not be the same if something crappy didn't happen to us.
Here's something that really irritated us.
We all got in the car to run to the store and she didn't start! wtf...what the face? Right Phil? If you don't get my joke then start reading my blog more consistently please. (sort of kidding) :)
I guess this is what you get when you car is as old as your first born. We lucked out, it was only the ignition coil. I say that like I know what the heck that is...all I know is that it was only $160!
Glad to see my girls got along for some of the trip.
They bickered about who had whose goggles. What to do? The pool or the beach? Tough decision. They hated wearing spf 70 that I forced everyone to wear, but they wore
it and had fun!
A shout out to my husband...he drove the whole way there and back home again. Either he is a control freak or he liked how I manhandled the GPS and found our way. Thanks D.
it and had fun!

A shout out to my husband...he drove the whole way there and back home again. Either he is a control freak or he liked how I manhandled the GPS and found our way. Thanks D.
Hanging out with family and friends can't be beat. I loved the warm sun, the beaches, reading 2 books beach side, sleeping in, the shredded pork and coleslaw sammies, the fresh oysters, the icy cold cans of Michelob Ultra, and seeing my kids swim in the ocean. Thanks Destin for a great time...see you next year.
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